Elda Othello Wrightington has always had a way with words. Born in the Bahamas to parents of Haitian descent, she and her family migrated to state of Florida at the age of 5.
Elda learned early in life, from one of her mentors, that everything you ever want to know is in a book.
Graduating with a Master’s Degree in Mental Health Counseling in 2011, Elda embarked on a journey of providing psychotherapy to children, adults, and families from all backgrounds and ways of life. Elda has worked in the mental health field for over 10 years and in 2019, obtained her license as a Mental Health Counselor. Her way of interaction with everyone she meets has always been, “meet people where they are, love them, and be willing to walk alongside them to help them grow.”
Elda believes that everything starts at home and that the family is the foundation and the onset of how a child learns to love themselves and love others in the long run. Sadly, sometimes the children and the families she has serviced have experienced extremely traumatic circumstances that in the long run negatively affects how they view themselves and how they interact with others.
Elda’s passion for writing, ‘These Hands Were Made For So Much More!,’ was birthed from a desire to show children that even though they were witnesses of violence or experienced violence first-hand, that there is more they can do with their hands then hitting.
Meanwhile, Viola’s story is a reflection of the power of words and how negative words most often are motivated by a negative perception of self. Changing the mind and one’s belief about self starts from within. Witness in this story the power of parents' words to transform and mold children's hearts by providing an understanding of how love and hate are a reflection of how one feels and views themselves.
"My ultimate desire is to empower adults and more importantly children. I want to help them recognize their strengths, learn to find solutions in challenges (if possible), and ultimately learn to cope through stressors without the use of violence or hate. Sometimes the best way to do this in through a book. Books are good teachers," (Elda Othello, 2021).